Shopping in Riyadh: Explore the Modern and Traditional Options

Exterior of Clubhouse

Shopping is an essential element of modern life. Shopping is no longer simply a necessity to obtain clothing and food, but also a way to expand our horizons and tastes, try new things, save time, and has become a form of spiritual renewal: the term “shopping therapy” did not appear by accident, after all! 
Riyadh is no exception in being able to offer a modern person anything they may need -or want- in that regard, whether you explore the local culture or build a home away from home. 

Local Flairs 

Markets such as Souk Al Zal or Al Masmak Souq offer a wide variety of local flavors and tastes, from traditional Arabic groceries, spices, textiles and souvenirs to traditional clothing, perfumes, and delicacies. If you want to shop your way into the Arabian culture, these locations right here in Riyadh would be a great starting point.  

Make sure to get yourself or a loved one an authentic Arabian scent like Oud, traditional clothing, a dallah (a traditional coffee pot), or even jewelry, both traditional and modern, as keepsakes and mementos. 

What else?

If, however, you feel homesick and would rather celebrate and shop for your own culture, this is highly accommodated in Riyadh as well. Whatever your needs regarding everyday commodities such as clothing, cars or electronics, you will find Riyadh is more than up to the task.  
You might not always have that new model of phone available the same day it launches in the US, and you might find your clothing options might sometimes lean towards more conservative looks, but that does not mean you will not be able to be yourself. On the contrary, no matter your style, an experienced shopper will find representation to be had either by physical stores or online ones. 
But as stated above, for the modern person, shopping is more than satisfying their needs, but also a way to satisfy their desires. 
The diversity of the Saudi Arabian market means such desires can be sated. No matter what unique activity you choose to pass your time, expand your horizons, grow as a person or simply express yourself, you will be able to comfortably keep doing so in Riyadh.  

Endless Possibilities 

Whether you are after sporting equipment, picking up a guitar to practice, burning the midnight oil in front of a console, taking up painting, growing a garden or even having quiet evenings and lazy weekends solving puzzles or doing arts and crafts with your family, every conceivable hobby you can imagine is not only possible in Riyadh, but also easily accessible both in terms of supplies available as well as communities. Yes, that includes even more niche hobbies like role-playing games, trading card games and tabletop games! 

Being able to easily obtain both their needs and wants plays a large part in how modern people evaluate their quality of life. In Riyadh, they can easily do both.