The modern world is demanding. Both physically and mentally, men and women all over the world are called upon to meet and exceed its expectations of them on a daily basis. As an expat in Riyadh, you will be able to grow and remain mentally active in many ways. But when it comes to attaining or retaining a physically active lifestyle, your choices are no less diverse. And thanks to the Saudi climate and beautiful scenery, doing so outdoors is a breeze. And you don’t even have to go far to do it!
An active lifestyle at your fingertips
Antara itself, with its beautiful pathways and interconnected pools, is calling out for an energizing morning jog, a relaxing ride on skates or a bike, or a refreshing swim in the water. After all, the warm and clear weather means that swimming will always be an option. So, pop those earphones on, start blasting your playlist and get moving! If you’re feeling particularly pumped, you might even expand your radius and visit one of the many parks and turn that jog into a hike, or an extended bike ride. There are, after all, several groups and clubs to help you plan for outdoors adventures like that.

That is, if you feel like doing some relaxing group or solitary activities. However, if you have a competitive streak within you, you will find that whatever your activity of choice is, the sports opportunities on offer in Riyadh are endless.
If you want a dojo, a boxing rink, a tennis court or a golf course, you will find one fairly close to you. And no matter which part of the world you’re coming from, and no matter which particular team sport holds a special place in your heart, Riyadh will offer you the option to play or engage in it: There’s the all-time favorite worldwide sensations of football and basketball, or more geographically specific favorites like baseball, cricket, ice hockey – you name it. There are, after all, dedicated leagues for most sports right in Riyadh. Yes, even for something less practiced internationally, such as American football. Go Warriors!
This means that pretty much all sports are available to participate in or watch in Riyadh by active enthusiasts, amateur athletes, or future superstars.
But the current superstars? They might be craving a different kind of challenge. Enter the Sandclash, and the Al Ula Tough Mudder.
Meet the challenge
The Sandclash, is a demanding three-day festival and athletic competition that challenges the limits of participants, and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle for all attendees. And if that sounds like a walk in the park to you, then maybe you have what it takes to participate in the Tough Mudder, a grueling 8-hour challenge across various obstacles and landscapes, that will not just test your limits, but will push you past them. Thankfully, there are also more tame variations for the younger people, and for the less trained. Despite being tamer versions, they are not a cakewalk, and will set you down on a path of betterment and fitness. And if you’d rather have a less… intense challenge, you can also attempt the Riyadh Marathon in its different versions.
As anyone who is already doing it knows, staying physically active is not simply a matter of sport or a hobby, or even a health concern. It’s a lifestyle. And more than that, in Riyadh it’s a lifestyle you can pursue your way.